Panier d'achat




Join the adventure !



Que vous soyez une école (primaire, secondaire), une famille d'enfants scolarisés ou instruits en famille, nous vous proposons de découvrir le monde avec nous et de lire, écouter et parler l'anglais ou le français tout en vous amusant. Tous nos contenus sont créés par un auteur publié et un enseignant certifié, et permettent diverses utilisations pédagogiques.


Whether you are a school (primary , secondary), a family of children attending school or homeschooled, we offer you the opportunity to discover the world with us and to read, listen and speak English or French while having fun. All our content is created by a a published author and a certified teacher, and allows for various educational uses.

All in One


Cet abonnement est particulièrement intéressant car il combine nos trois abonnements à un prix attractif.

Pendant un an, vous recevrez le contenu complet de:

(Cliquez sur chaque formule pour avoir sa description complète)


This subscription is particularly interesting as it combines all three of our subscriptions at an attractive price.

For one year you will receive the full content of :

(Click on each package for a full description)

Course curriculum


Tout notre contenu est uniquement disponible en format numérique.

Le 5 de chaque mois de septembre 2022 à août 2023, l'abonné recevra : une aventure de Poss ou une aventure de Marceau en Français & en Anglais avec :

  • Une version ebook dans les deux langues (ePub & pdf)
  • Une version audio dans les deux langues (mp3)
  • 20 pages de ressources pĂ©dagogiques dans les deux langues conçues par un enseignant certifiĂ©
  • Une version pdf, sous forme de livre Ă  imprimer et Ă  illustrer par les Ă©lèves (dans les deux langues).

Le 20 de chaque mois, de septembre 2022 à août 2023, l'abonné recevra :

  • 1 vidĂ©o de quinze minutes composĂ©e de 3 chapitres vidĂ©o (See / Meet / Eat)
  • Des ressources pĂ©dagogiques, en anglais et en français, conçues par un enseignant certifiĂ© (avec webquest, tâches et quiz).

Si vous vous abonnez en milieu d'année, vous aurez un accès immédiat à tout le contenu déjà publié.


All our content is only available in digital format.

On the 5th of each month from September 2022 to August 2023, the subscriber will receive: one adventure of Poss or an adventure of Marceau en Français & in English with :

  • An ebook version in both languages (ePub & pdf)
  • An audio version in both languages (mp3)
  • 20 pages of educational resources in both languages designed by a certified teacher
  • A pdf version, in the form of a book to be printed and illustrated by the students (in both languages).

On the 20th of each month from September 2022 to August 2023, the subscriber will receive:

  • 1 fifteen-minute video composed of 3 video chapters (See / Meet / Eat)
  • Educational resources, in English and Français, designed by a certified teacher (with webquest, tasks and quiz).

If you subscribe mid-year, you will have immediate access to all the content already published.

Choose a pricing plan


This plan is reserved to schools and institutions. (TO PAY BY BANK TRANSFER, PLEASE CONTACT US.)
Once registered, your institution will have access to a personal account where the courses will be delivered once a month and can be accessed at will.
If you register mid-year you will have immediate access to all the courses already published.
The courses can be used freely by all teachers of the same school for educational purposes only. These contents are protected by copyright, so any unauthorised reproduction or sale is prohibited.
Thank you for helping protect our work.
The purchase of digital products, including PDF downloads and online material is subject to terms and conditions. Consumers are advised to review them carefully before making any purchase.


This plan is reserved to families and individuals. (You have a question? Do not hesitate to contact us.)
Once registered, you will have access to a personal account where the courses will be delivered once a month and can be consulted at will.
If you register mid-year you will have immediate access to all the courses already published.
The courses can only be used within the household. 
These contents are protected by copyright, so any unauthorised reproduction or sale is prohibited.
Thank you for helping protect our work.
The purchase of digital products, including PDF downloads and online material is subject to terms and conditions. Consumers are advised to review them carefully before making any purchase.


par mois pendant 3 mois
This plan is reserved to families and individuals. (You have a question? Do not hesitate to contact us.)
Once registered, you will have access to a personal account where the courses will be delivered once a month and can be consulted at will.
If you register mid-year you will have immediate access to all the courses already published.
The courses can only be used within the household. 
These contents are protected by copyright, so any unauthorised reproduction or sale is prohibited.
Thank you for helping protect our work.
The purchase of digital products, including PDF downloads and online material is subject to terms and conditions. Consumers are advised to review them carefully before making any purchase.

What people are saying

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Belle ouverture pour nos élèves de CAP qui ont rarement la chance de voyager.

— Pascale D. Professeur d’anglais

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Showcase your happy customers by adding their testimonials and reviews

— John Doe

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Showcase your happy customers by adding their testimonials and reviews

— John Doe