Panier d'achat

Legal notice

THE WAYS 2 TEACH LP is a company registered in Scotland with identification number: SL036460

Our registered office is:

5 South Charlotte Street,

Edinburgh EH2 4AN, Scotland, UK.

Company directors: Ninon Morice / Thomas Boureau

Publication manager: The Ways 2 Teach

The person responsible for publication is an individual or a legal entity.

The site is hosted and maintained by: Payhip

The Ways 2 Teach can be contacted by e-mail here.

Applicable law and jurisdiction:

Any dispute relating to the use of the website is subject to British law.

Except in cases where the law does not allow it, exclusive jurisdiction is granted to the competent courts of Edinburgh.

Privacy & Cookie Policy

We (TheWays2Teach) are committed to protecting your privacy and promise to collect, process and share your data safely and securely. Our Privacy Policy tells you how we do this and what your rights are. Any personal data processed in line with our Privacy Policy is controlled by us, as the data controller. 

Our Privacy Promise


We will always tell you what data we’re collecting about you and how we use it. We only share your data with trusted partners and will never sell your data.


We are committed to always following industry best practices to ensure your data is stored safely and securely. We protect the confidentiality, accuracy and availability of the information we collect about you.


We will always give you control over the marketing you receive from us. You can choose the types of messages you receive and whether you want to stop receiving marketing communications.